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Motivation from In2 The Now Celebration Summit and More!
“THIS WAS AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!...The panel discussion was POWERFUL!” -M.M. McGraw
“Thank you for this inspiring gift…I am grateful to expand more into my Sacred Yes. Much love and gratitude.” -K.M. Stewart
“Thank you so much for this uplifting Summit. God Bless you and all of the speakers.” -T. Mawyer
“It was SO VERY GOOD today!!!! Thank you Reverend Michael it truly was EXPANDING soul time!” -B. Metz
“So much healing from this…” -I. Osun
”I just want to say 'Thank YOU' the event you put on today was FANTASTIC!!!!! WOW! Beautiful [and] so much good stuff. I enjoyed it tremendously." -N. Chavez

8549 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1156, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: (310) 348 - 1250